
We’re just getting started.

We’ve marked another victory for the movement to make Scranton City government work as hard as the people it serves. A movement that believes our government belongs to everyone, not just the connected few.

Since our victory in 2019, we’ve watched our movement grow. We’ve proved our victories aren’t an aberration, but a sign of our City’s aspirations: that government can work for everyone, that our City can be responsive to its residents, that we can build an economy in Scranton that will support future generations and their families.

In this new, four-year term, we’ll continue to build on our progress. To dispel the notion that government doesn’t work, confront the systemic challenges that hold our city back, build a more vibrant and inclusive economy, and work to ensure every family in Scranton can thrive.

We also look forward to expanding outreach efforts, providing more services directly to people where they live, seeking more feedback, and creating more opportunities to build community.  

Thank you to everyone who supported this movement and gave us your trust. For those of you whose trust we haven’t earned yet, we will work to earn it. 

We’re just getting started. 

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